
Explore career opportunities with us

Who are we?

Welcome to Logbase, a fast-growing SaaS startup at the forefront of transforming the E-commerce experience

Since our inception in 2014, we've evolved from a humble startup with a single product into a dynamic SaaS provider offering six innovative solutions tailored for Shopify users.

Explore opportunities

Join our dynamic and growing team—where diversity, creativity, and dedication are valued. We're eager to welcome talents who share our vision for excellence.

Customer Success Executive

0-2 Years
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Serve as the primary point of contact for clients, building and maintaining strong relationships. Provide prompt and professional customer support through various channels like email, chat, and Zoom.

Full Stack Developer

2-4 Years
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As a Full Stack Developer in our product development team, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our software products. Your expertise will drive the development of high-quality, scalable, and robust web applications.

Content Writer

2-5 Years
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We're looking for a passionate and experienced content marketing expert to join our team! You’ll be responsible for developing compelling content strategies, writing SEO-friendly blogs and crafting engaging video scripts.

Technical support executive

1-2 Years
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Resolve customer tickets with basic coding, monitor and implement web page changes, conduct pre-release testing, and identify bugs.